Sunday, September 18, 2005
Sermon Notes: 9/18/05--ABC's of Salvation
Text: 1 John 4:13-19; Romans 10:9-12
NOTE: video of this sermon available ...see pastor for details
As I was driving along, I saw an interesting sign at a church next to a school. Of course, I did not tell the ACLU who I am sure would ask the sign be non-religious or force the church to move. The sign said, "SALVATION, easy as ABC--Admit, Believe, Confess. As I thought about it, I began to think about how this sign was correct and to apply it.
Let's look at the A--Admit. With most things, you have to admit there is a problem. That is the first step to recovery, to reconciliation, to salvation. We have to admit that we cannot do it alone, that we are missing something in our lives. So many times we try to find it in other things. We try alcohol, drugs, sex, eating, hobbies. Still, there is an empty place. If we do not admit it is there, we think we can ignore it. This leads to a growing emptiness, which leads eventually to perdition.
We must admit that we are missing something, we are missing God. We must admit that we cannot get to ultimate happiness, to being complete. We have to admit it that we are a sinner and fallen short.
Next, let's get to the B--Believe. We have to believe in a loving God. We cannot take the view that God is just sitting there powerless over many things. We cannot subscribe that God is just an observer. We must believe in a God who is living and active, who sent His Son to die for our sins. We must believe in a God who knows us and desires a personal relationship with us. That is what God craves, and really what we crave. We look at other things, but this is what we crave.
And it is hard. We want to believe the lie that we can do it on our own, the myth of independence. We are dependent on God, even if we don't believe it. We need to believe that God desires a relationship with us, because, as the adage often goes, seeing (realizing) is believing. We have to believe in order to see the Truth around us. God is living and active, capable of miracles, like the fire chief of survived the collapse of the Twin Towers. Like the boy in Jackie's neighborhood who was never expected to walk again, yet now he is walking. We have to believe in a God who is, not was.
Lastly, the C--Confess. We have to confess that Jesus is Lord, that he is the way the Truth and the Life. We have to also confess that we are not perfect. We need to come before Him honestly and openly. To show Him that hole in our hearts so He can fill it. We have to be willing to stand uncovered before Him, to put aside the pretenses of our politically correct society and be revealed for the fallen creatures we are.
This has the effect of cleansing, it also has the effect of establishing that holy relationship, that closeness, with the Almighty. We need to not only confess our sin, but our joys, our sorrows, our needs, wants, and our highs and lows. Christ, God, wants nothing less than to be the source of your strength, your Rock, your friend. And we should be smart enough to accept this great gift. However, we must first follow these ABC's, to begin our education in Christ.
NOTE: video of this sermon available ...see pastor for details
As I was driving along, I saw an interesting sign at a church next to a school. Of course, I did not tell the ACLU who I am sure would ask the sign be non-religious or force the church to move. The sign said, "SALVATION, easy as ABC--Admit, Believe, Confess. As I thought about it, I began to think about how this sign was correct and to apply it.
Let's look at the A--Admit. With most things, you have to admit there is a problem. That is the first step to recovery, to reconciliation, to salvation. We have to admit that we cannot do it alone, that we are missing something in our lives. So many times we try to find it in other things. We try alcohol, drugs, sex, eating, hobbies. Still, there is an empty place. If we do not admit it is there, we think we can ignore it. This leads to a growing emptiness, which leads eventually to perdition.
We must admit that we are missing something, we are missing God. We must admit that we cannot get to ultimate happiness, to being complete. We have to admit it that we are a sinner and fallen short.
Next, let's get to the B--Believe. We have to believe in a loving God. We cannot take the view that God is just sitting there powerless over many things. We cannot subscribe that God is just an observer. We must believe in a God who is living and active, who sent His Son to die for our sins. We must believe in a God who knows us and desires a personal relationship with us. That is what God craves, and really what we crave. We look at other things, but this is what we crave.
And it is hard. We want to believe the lie that we can do it on our own, the myth of independence. We are dependent on God, even if we don't believe it. We need to believe that God desires a relationship with us, because, as the adage often goes, seeing (realizing) is believing. We have to believe in order to see the Truth around us. God is living and active, capable of miracles, like the fire chief of survived the collapse of the Twin Towers. Like the boy in Jackie's neighborhood who was never expected to walk again, yet now he is walking. We have to believe in a God who is, not was.
Lastly, the C--Confess. We have to confess that Jesus is Lord, that he is the way the Truth and the Life. We have to also confess that we are not perfect. We need to come before Him honestly and openly. To show Him that hole in our hearts so He can fill it. We have to be willing to stand uncovered before Him, to put aside the pretenses of our politically correct society and be revealed for the fallen creatures we are.
This has the effect of cleansing, it also has the effect of establishing that holy relationship, that closeness, with the Almighty. We need to not only confess our sin, but our joys, our sorrows, our needs, wants, and our highs and lows. Christ, God, wants nothing less than to be the source of your strength, your Rock, your friend. And we should be smart enough to accept this great gift. However, we must first follow these ABC's, to begin our education in Christ.