Sunday, June 25, 2006

June 25, 2006--Fall Seven, Get up Eight

Note: Post here taken from loose outline notes of the pastor. Actual delivered sermons may have varied in presentation. No recording available, sorry!

: 1 Samuel 17:32-37, 42-9; 1 Peter 2:7-9

We just had an amazing event yesterday. We came together as a group and put ourselves out there on the line for Christ. Many people thought it could not be done, including me, and the odds were stacked against us in terms of time constraints and meeting times, but guess what? We did it. And the fact that we stuck to it and did it makes it a success. We faced impossible odds.

David did the same thing. Here is this little shepard boy, talking about how Israel needs to rise up and fight the Philistines, and that he can take out Goliath, that big giant. Mean ol goliath, killer of many. DAvid's own brothers and family thought it was impossible. Yet, David had faith, he believed in the Lord and he believed in God's grace, and that God would see him through.

Likewise, there were doubters amongst us. Me among them. I never thought we could get this done. Others around us questioned our sanity. You are a little church, what can you hope to do? HOwever, despite the odds, we came through it. Was it enough to raise all the funds we need? Nope. However, we stopped being like the sad sacks the Israelites were and we started having faith like David. What a huge victory.

Friends, we have been through a lot here. We have had ups and downs, fires, tornados, etc. However, we keep getting back up. Treasuries fall and rise again, and we keep coming back. Why? IS it for glory? For riches? No, we love the Lord. David went after Goliath because it is what the Lord wanted done, it was to help His people. Likewise, we need to focus on being out there for God's people.

David, who would have expected it? This little pretty boy goes and takes out Goliath, with his little chicken legs. You know, there was another who was rejected and ridiculed who became the hero. His name is Jesus, you might ahve heard of Him.

Jesus was rejected. He was ridiculed, he was told He was an outsider. However, he stayed the course. He kept on fighting, he never gave in to the temptations. When he went down, he rose again, not even death could stop him. We are not worthy to be the capstone, but we, like Jesus, have been rejected by this world, and it will be us, not those in the world, who will be the capstone, it will be us who sit at the table of the Father.

In our own lives, we have seen the value of faith and perseverence, not just here at Chruch. You know, we need to be brave in Christ. WE don't know what is around the corner, but we have to have faith. When we get knocked down seven times, if we are fighting for the Lord, then we need to get back up eight times. WE will overcome. It may take us gettin knocked around, but it will happen.

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